
Dokiel enables one to pilot the translation of their contents and their adaptation to a specific context (country, culture,...) thanks to a feature called "derivation layers".

A work environment per language

An environment (or workspace) is created per language.

It contains the content as well as the generation programs of localized documents.

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The document generating programs contain terms that must be translated.

For example, terms such as "Table of Contents", "Page", or even "Menu", "next-previous", etc.

The translation is done in a simple spreadsheet. The file is integrated into the publishing solution after compilation in the SCENARIbuilder software.

Translate the content directly in Dokiel

The translation can be done directly in Dokiel.

Export & import

Content edited in Scenari is stored in XML[1] format. You can export these files in order to send them to a translation agency or to import them into a translation assistance software (TAO).

Once translated, import the XML files back into Scenari.


Adapt content to the target legislative or cultural environment: add or remove specific fragments of content.

Modify media (images, diagrams, etc.)

In the translation environment, modify the multimedia resources.

Mark the state of the fragment of content

In the translation environment, the state of a fragment is identified: fragment of content created specifically for this language, fragment identical to the original language (a logo for example), fragment modified compared to the original language, etc.

Validate translated fragments

Translated fragments can be validated individually or in batches.

Identify changes

When the content is updated (a fragment is modified in the original language), the fragment in the translation environment is marked as to be controlled.

This mechanism enables to identify the fragments whose translation must be updated.

Languages examples

Content created with Scenari were translated into Indo-European languages, Arabic, Japanese, Greek, Russian (cyrillic alphabet), etc.